May all your characters find their stories


Characters Without Stories is a tabletop role playing game podcast about the roads not yet traveled.

Every episode I bring in a friend to tell me about their unplayed character and their approach to creating characters. I cover all kinds of RPGs - from indies to D&D.

I've had some fascinating conversations about how our characters intersect with and reveal our identities and how play is a gateway to understanding ourselves. I hope you'll give it a listen.

Thank you and may all your characters find their stories.


Podcast cover art by The Curiographer.

About the Host

StarProfile Photo



Star is an avid player and GM of table top role playing games. While her first love is Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, she's always ready to try new systems and has played Cozy Town, Thirsty Sword Lesbians, Wanderhome, Call of Cthulhu, and Kids on Bikes among others. Star loves nothing more than playing pretend with her friends all over the world and creating memorable characters who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances.